Titre: Security Evangelist, Mozilla Tech Speaker
Bio: Sumath Damarla is a Security Evangelist, Mozilla Tech Speaker and part of Mozilla Hyderabad Community, India. He conducted a series of events related to Web security. Closely working with Mozilla DevRel team. He was part of Mozilla team which represented at FOSSASIA 2015. Done a project for Mozilla Security team under MWoS 2014. He worked with former security developer at US NSA under OWASP Summer code sprint 2015 and was invited as sponsored facilitator for Mozfest 2015 (London) and Mozilla Leadership Summit 2016 (Singapore). Invited as speaker for ITAKE Unconference 2016 (Romania) and OSCAL 2016 (Albania). Compagnie: Mozilla Twitter: @Sumanth_Damarla Blog: https://sumanthmoz.wordpress.com Présentations: |